The IGA is only a few months old, it launched on 26th April 2022.
Although the vision has been in existence for a while, it was only once the FEI committed to the start up funding in June 2021 that we could begin to form the organisation.
As a result we have had to hit the ground running and have very quickly formed and launched the organisation in just 10 months. *it would normally take much longer!
The IGA has recruited 3 key Sponsorship Partners, recruited an administration and social media coordinator, has a membership fulfillment website, an inaugural Board of Directors, and has already attracted a prestigious group of Show Supporters.
It takes time to build an organisation like the IGA, and budgets have to be managed, but the organisation is off the starting blocks and will grow at a manageable pace to ensure its sustainability. This will take time and we ask our founding members to be with us on this exciting journey of development.