Rider Quotes

Even the very best riders would be lost without the hard work and dedication of their grooms.

It's always great to hear from riders who recognise the essential role of their grooms and want to thank them for all they do.



"We are both delighted and proud of Kerryn for being named the FEI Cavalor Best Groom of 2022.  She’s a thoroughly deserving winner and a great example of someone who has learnt their trade through hard work, alongside a desire to strive, learn and ultimately be the very best.  

It is a testament to Kerryn and her team that we are able to front on the world stage week after week and produce results."

Tim and Jonelle Price, FEI Eventing World Number One and Two 



“Behind every athlete is a team that makes everything possible - and some of the players of that team are the grooms - and whether they areOllie Townsend - World Number One and his groom travelling to shows or staying at home, they work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that each horse can perform at their best, week after week.

Their role is ever-changing and often challenging, they are hardworking, with invaluable attention to detail. They are part of what makes a horse and their rider, a world-class combination.”

Oliver Townend - former FEI Eventing World Number One



"My horses and me are just as good as our team around us. A partnership is based on trust and reliability and I‘m so grateful to have passionate grooms by our sides. 

Rider, horse and groom are a strong team and key to each other’s wellbeing and success. I want to encourage all grooms to join the IGA."

Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - FEI Dressage World Number One



"You win by preparing, training, and having an eye for detail. Part of that preparation is having the best people around you; my grooms are an essential part of the formula for success.  

You need grooms whose focus is always on the horses and the horses' welfare.  In the discipline of carriage driving,  although called grooms, their role is an integral part of the team on and off the carriage. I recommend all international grooms join the IGA"

Boyd Exell - FEI Driving World Number One