On the path to Paris - Team Brazil

Charlotte Menzies is an event groom and is on her way to Paris 2024 as part of Team Brazil.

"I have been groom to Carlos Parro since April 2021 after a complete career 180. Since stepping out from behind a computer screen in an office, I've never looked back.

Horses have always been a part of my life but I never thought I’d get to live my dream day in, day out at the very top level of the sport! 

What makes the Olympics special and different from other Championships?

Being able to represent your country is the pinnacle of a rider’s career and it’s pretty much the same for us grooms. 

I’ve been lucky enough to travel around the world to Championships like the World Games in Pratoni (2022), the South American Games in Argentina (2022), and the Pan American Games in Chile (2023).

But I feel the Olympics is just much more special as it’s the best of the best of all sports competing together - I still have to pinch myself that it’s really happening!

It feels like such a privilege to be a part of the small team of grooms who can say that they got to groom at an Olympic Games.

It’s even more special this time around as I narrowly missed out on grooming for Carlos in Tokyo.  The deadline for accreditation had already passed when I joined him - I made sure to stick around and not miss the deadline for this one.

I  feel like I know Carlos inside out after spending many years working alongside him and travelling with him.  

I am just so excited to be able to get to Paris and do my job and make his life as easy as possible: he can focus on the riding while I handle the rest.

What’s your favourite thing about being part of the Brazilian team?

Having been with the team for 4 seasons now I’ve been able to watch the whole team go from strength to strength under the expertise of William Fox-Pitt (our team trainer) and Julie Purgly (Chef d’Equipe). 

As we are a relatively small nation in eventing, we as grooms and riders are a small, close-knit community.

I see it as a positive that at team events, we all know each other really well so we all work together like a well-oiled machine!

On a more individual level, I have been very lucky to have a compact and loyal team of owners behind myself and Carlos over the years. 

They have supported both of us immensely so I’d also like to shine the light on them. Thank you - John, Juliet, Fi, Phil, Jeanette and Tom, we couldn’t do this without you!

Is there a groom who particularly inspires you in your career?

There are too many grooms to name who have helped to shape me into the groom I am today - I fear if I started naming people I’d miss somebody and get a fair bit of stick from the ones I forget.

I am truly grateful to every groom I’ve ever worked with, within team Brazil, and to people I’ve been stabled next to at events, especially at the beginning of my time with Carlos.

I just soaked up everything like a sponge to try and be the best I could be and do right by my horses and rider. 

Even now at events, I feel like I’m still taking away little snippets of knowledge and ideas - you never ever stop learning.

Carlos has given me an immense amount of freedom and trust in how I run the yard, so I have found my way over the years and figured out what methods and routines work best for me and the horses. 

What has been your favourite moment or memory in your career so far?

There have been so many highlights in my career, from wins at events to smaller wins at home. Just seeing the young horses you have had since the beginning of their careers grow into a special and exciting event horse is amazing. 

One of my best memories is winning double gold at the South American Games in Argentina in 2022, and getting the team a qualifying place at the Pan American Games to kickstart our quest to qualify for the Paris games!

It was the proudest I’ve ever been to work alongside Carlos and I’ll admit I cried when we secured the individual win by quite a margin.

It was such a special moment and something I’ll remember forever. 

Another favourite memory was securing team bronze at the Pan American Games in 2023 in Chile.

The team performed so well and did the job they went out there to do.

The final day was such a mix of emotions - relief, excitement, exhaustion, and also being so proud of our horse Safira (who is our Paris ride too).  

She stepped up hugely in 2023 and continues to surprise us with her talent the stronger she gets! It was a really special moment for her owners and breeders to be there too to see just how special their little Shropshire horse turned out to be.

Thank you so much to Charlotte for taking the time to speak with us - good luck in Paris!!

Photo credit @lcruas

